Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 73
And, of course, it has to be pure, non-radioactive iodine, because your thy-
roid (as you learned earlier) will grab at any iodine it can reach. That’s why it
is absolutely crucial to nourish your body with good iodine, and load up your
iodine receptors, so there’s no room at all for the radioactive variety.

Now the recommended daily dose of iodine is 150 mcg...but many sci-
entists believe our bodies require much more, maybe as much as 15 mg, a
whopping 100 times more! And that’s a daily dose, needed because your body
doesn’t hoard iodine for long-term storage like it does with some other nutri-
ents. No, about 70% of the dietary iodine you take in gets filtered out through
your urine very quickly.

Here’s a little more math: Your body uses about 75 mcg of iodine every day
to produce thyroid hormones, which regulate major body functions like your
metabolism. So if you take in the recommended 150 mcg, and 70% gets flushed
out in urine, that doesn’t leave enough to meet your thyroid’s true needs!

But when your thyroid is properly nourished, everything will run more
smoothly. And the best natural source: seaweed.

Alginates keep you toxin-free

When it comes to ridding your body of toxic substances, alginates may be
your best choice. Studied for decades, these compounds are well known for
their cleansing effects.

You see, alginates naturally pair with many toxic and radioactive minerals.
The alginates bind with these metals, sort of absorbing them into a gel, so they
no longer circulate in your body. And because alginate can’t be broken down
by bile or saliva, it cannot be reabsorbed by your body. Instead, it just passes
through and gets excreted through urine, feces, or sweat...along with all the
toxins it’s linked with.

Now the mainstream versions of heavy metal detoxification can make you
very sick. That’s because they basically push the toxins out of your organs and
into your bloodstream. Some of those toxins get eliminated, but some linger in
your blood and organs. What’s more, detox chemicals can rob you of essential
minerals (like copper), too.

Alginates don’t work that way. In fact, quite the opposite. They pull out
toxic metals while leaving essential minerals in place.

Several studies prove just how effective alginates can be—especially against
the highly toxic radioactive strontium-90, a heavy metal that some scientists
believe can be detected in everyone because of nuclear power plants, weapons,
and meltdowns. Alginates alone can remove up to 90% of strontium-90 from

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