Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 75
The manufacturer recommends taking 3 capsules a day with plenty of water
before breakfast. However, it’s best to start with 1 capsule a day for about a
week, then 2 capsules the next week, working up to the full 3-capsule dose.

If you’re using Ocean Cleanse to detox, the manufacturer suggests that
you can take up to 6 capsules per day (but work up to that dose slowly).

While you may see some results fairly quickly (like changes in your hair
and nails, or regularity), it can take 3-4 months to see a real difference, espe-
cially if you are using the product to detox heavy metals or radiation. Some
people begin to experience noticeable changes after about 3-5 weeks.

People taking Ocean Cleanse for thyroid support should see results in
about a month or two. If you have diagnosed thyroid problems, please work
with your doctor to determine the right dose of Ocean Cleanse for you.
According to the manufacturer, each capsule contains 300 mcg of alimentary
iodine per capsule.

Be aware that you may experience some minor side effects during the first
week, as you begin to detoxify. You may feel tired and a little uncomfortable,
and you may notice an unpleasant odor as the toxins leave your system. These
effects typically last only about a week or less.

You can find ordering information for Ocean Cleanse in your Member
Source Directory on page 80.

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