Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • I

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Forbidden Cures and Underground Medicine • 79

a simple sign of aging. It could be letting you know that you desperately need
to restore your NO levels.

And when you do increase those NO levels with Neo40 Daily, you’re
on the way to preventing some pretty horrible health problems, maybe even
reversing existing damage. That’s because nitric oxide can:

  • Stop artery-clogging blood clots from forming

  • Reverse arterial plaque build-up

  • Reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke...
    two of the top three killers of Americans

  • Prevent high blood pressure

  • Reduce your risk of devastating diabetes complications,
    including kidney disease, blindness, and amputations
    All that combined with mind-blowing sex... you really can’t lose!

Stimulate your sex life with Neo40 Daily

The moment you take Neo40 Daily, your body will start producing nitric
oxide, and sending it through your whole body. And when your body wakes
up—watch out! You’ll be on the way toward mind-blowing sex and rip-roar-
ing orgasms (and protecting your heart in the process).

The manufacturer suggests that adults 40 and over take 1 lozenge, once or
twice daily. Place 1 lozenge on your tongue and let it dissolve. Don’t chew or
swallow the lozenge, just move it around with your tongue while it dissolves.

One little thing: the lozenges can make you burp (usually right after
they’re dissolved). That’s totally normal, and to be expected. After all, nitric
oxide is a gas, so that’s one way you can see it’s really working.

You can find ordering information for Neo40 Daily lozenges in your
Member Source Directory on page 80.

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