Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment

(lily) #1

198 Process Environment Chapter 7

7.3 ProcessTe rmination

Thereare eight ways for a process to terminate. Normal termination occurs in five

  1. Return frommain

  2. Callingexit

  3. Calling_exitor_Exit

  4. Return of the last thread from its start routine (Section 11.5)

  5. Callingpthread_exit(Section 11.5) from the last thread

Abnormal termination occurs in three ways:

  1. Callingabort(Section 10.17)

  2. Receipt of a signal (Section 10.2)

  3. Response of the last thread to a cancellation request (Sections 11.5 and 12.7)

For now,we’ll ignorethe three termination methods specific to threads until we discuss
threads in Chapters 11and 12.

The start-up routine that we mentioned in the previous section is also written so that if
themainfunction returns, theexitfunction is called. If the start-up routine were
coded in C (it is often coded in assembly language) the call tomaincould look like
exit(main(argc, argv));

Exit Functions

Three functions terminate a program normally:_exitand_Exit,which return to the
kernel immediately,andexit,which performs certain cleanup processing and then
returns to the kernel.

#include <stdlib.h>
void exit(intstatus);
void _Exit(intstatus);
#include <unistd.h>

void _exit(intstatus);

We’ll discuss the effect of these three functions on other processes, such as the children
and the parent of the terminating process, in Section 8.5.

The reason for the different headers is thatexitand_Exitarespecified by ISO C, whereas
_exitis specified by POSIX.1.
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