Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment

(lily) #1

Section 10.7 SIGCLDSemantics 333

The semantics of the BSDSIGCHLDsignal arenormal, in the sense that its semantics
aresimilar to those of all other signals. When the signal occurs, the status of a child has
changed, and we need to call one of the waitfunctions to determine what has
System V,however,has traditionally handled theSIGCLDsignal differently from
other signals. SVR4-based systems continue this questionable tradition (i.e.,
compatibility constraint) if we set its disposition using eithersignalorsigset(the
older,SVR3-compatible functions to set the disposition of a signal). This older handling
ofSIGCLDconsists of the following behavior:

  1. If the process specifically sets its disposition toSIG_IGN,children of the calling
    process will not generate zombie processes. Note that this is different from its
    default action (SIG_DFL), which from Figure10.1 is to be ignored. Instead, on
    termination, the status of these child processes is discarded. If it subsequently
    calls one of the waitfunctions, the calling process will block until all its
    children have terminated, and thenwaitreturns−1witherrnoset toECHILD.
    (The default disposition of this signal is to be ignored, but this default will not
    cause the preceding semantics to occur.Instead, we specifically have to set its
    disposition toSIG_IGN.)

POSIX.1 does not specify what happens whenSIGCHLDis ignored, so this behavior is
allowed. The XSI option requires this behavior to be supported forSIGCHLD.

4.4BSD always generates zombies ifSIGCHLDis ignored. If we want to avoid zombies,
we have towaitfor our children. With SVR4, if eithersignalorsigsetis called to set
the disposition ofSIGCHLDto be ignored, zombies arenever generated. All four
platforms described in this book follow SVR4 in this behavior.

Withsigaction, we can set theSA_NOCLDWAITflag (Figure10.16) to avoid zombies.
This action is also supported on all four platforms.

  1. If we set the disposition ofSIGCLDto be caught, the kernel immediately checks
    whether any child processes areready to bewaited for and, if so, calls the

Item 2 changes the way we have to write a signal handler for this signal, as illustrated in
the following example.


Recall from Section 10.4 that the first thing to do on entry to a signal handler is to call
signalagain, to reestablish the handler.(This action is intended to minimize the
window of time when the signal is reset back to its default and could get lost.)We show
this in Figure10.6. This program doesn’t work on traditional System V platforms. The
output is a continual string ofSIGCLD receivedlines. Eventually,the process runs
out of stack space and terminates abnormally.
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