Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment

(lily) #1

Section 18.3 Special Input Characters 681

ERASE2 The alternate erase character (backspace). This character is treated exactly
like the erase character(ERASE).

INTR The interrupt character.This character is recognized on input if theISIG
flag is set and generates theSIGINTsignal that is sent to all processes in
the foreground process group (refer to Figure9.7). This character is
discarded when processed (i.e., it is not passed to the process).

KILL The kill character.(The name ‘‘kill’’ is overused; recall thekillfunction
used to send a signal to a process. This character should be called the
line-erase character; it has nothing to do with signals.) It is recognized on
input in canonical mode (ICANON). It erases the entireline and is discarded
when processed (i.e., it is not passed to the process).

LNEXT The literal-next character.This character is recognized on input in extended
mode (IEXTEN)and causes any special meaning of the next character to be
ignored. This works for all special characters listed in this section.We can
use this character to type any character to a program. The LNEXT character
is discarded when processed, but the next character entered is passed to the

NL The newline character,also called the line delimiter.Wecannot change this
character.It is recognized on input in canonical mode (ICANON). This
character is returned to the reading process.

QUIT The quit character.This character is recognized on input if theISIGflag is
set. The quit character generates theSIGQUITsignal, which is sent to all
processes in the foreground process group (refer to Figure9.7). This
character is discarded when processed (i.e., it is not passed to the process).

Recall from Figure10.1 that the difference between INTR and QUIT is that
the QUIT character not only terminates the process by default, but also
generates acorefile.

REPRINT Thereprint character.This character is recognized on input in extended,
canonical mode (bothIEXTENandICANONflags set) and causes all unread
input to be output (reechoed). This character is discarded when processed
(i.e., it is not passed to the process).

STARTThe start character.This character is recognized on input if theIXONflag is
set and is automatically generated as output if theIXOFFflag is set. A
received STARTcharacter withIXONset causes stopped output (from a
previously entered STOP character) to restart. In this case, the START
character is discarded when processed (i.e., it is not passed to the process).

WhenIXOFFis set, the terminal driver automatically generates a START
character to resume input that it had previously stopped, when the new
input will not overflow the input buffer.
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