2015_Hardware01_Layout 1

(Barré) #1
©2016 Copyright B & P Lamp Supply, Inc. - Call Toll Free: 1-800-822-3450 Page H-148

Bushings, Grommets, Connectors, & Loaders

Brass Connectors For Bases and Fonts
-Polished and Lacquered-
10100 - 1^14 ⁄" X 1" X 1^1 ⁄ 8 " ht.
10101 - 1^3 ⁄ 8 " X 1" X 1^3 ⁄ 8 " ht.
10103 - 2^1 ⁄ 16 "X 1^3 ⁄ 8 "X 1^14 ⁄" ht.
10105 - 2^1 ⁄ 2 "X 2^1 ⁄ 4 " X 1" ht. with flared bottom, fits
base #10006, font #50700
10106 - 2^1 ⁄ 2 "X 2^1 ⁄ 2 "X^1 ⁄ 2 " ht., fits base #10001 & #10006
10107 - 2^11 ⁄ 16 "X 2^1 ⁄ 4 "X^7 ⁄ 8 " ht., connects font #50700 to column #53900
10108 - 3" X 1^1 ⁄ 2 "X 1^3 ⁄ 8 " ht., fits base #10000
10109 - 3" X 2^1 ⁄ 4 "X 1^3 ⁄ 8 " ht., fits base #10000
10111 - 3" X 2^15 ⁄ 16 " X 1" ht., fits base #10000
10112 - 3^3 ⁄ 4 "X 2^15 ⁄ 16 "X 1^1 ⁄ 16 " ht., fits base #10000
10113 - 3^1 ⁄ 2 "X 3^3 ⁄ 4 "X^3 ⁄ 4 " ht., fits base #10003 & #10014
10115 - 2^7 ⁄ 16 "X 2^1 ⁄ 4 " X 1" ht., fits base #10000
10116 - 2^9 ⁄ 16 "X 2^9 ⁄ 16 "X^7 ⁄ 8 " ht., fits some antique fonts & base #10012
10117 - 2^9 ⁄ 16 "X 2^9 ⁄ 16 "X 1^1 ⁄ 4 " ht., fits some
antique fonts & base #10012
10118 - 2^1 ⁄ 2 "X 2^15 ⁄ 32 "X^7 ⁄ 16 " ht., fits some antique fonts
10119 - 4^7 ⁄ 8 " X 4" X^11 ⁄ 16 " ht., fits some ant. fonts

26909 - Turned brass,
cord inlet bushing. 1/8M
thread -^1 ⁄ 4 " inside dia.,

(^3) ⁄ 8 " overall length.
21024 - Turned brass,
cord inlet bushing.
1/4M thread -^3 ⁄ 8 "
overall length.
No. 10109
No. 10116
No. 10119
23903 - Cast iron
loader,^1  2 lb., 2^9 ⁄ 16 "
O.D.,^1 ⁄ 2 " thick, slip
1/8 IP

23902 -

Cast iron loader,
5 lb., 9^1 ⁄ 2 " O.D.,
11 ⁄ 8 " thick, tapped
1/4 IP. Fits base

23900 -

Cast iron
loader, 2 lb.,
41 ⁄ 2 " O.D.,^7 ⁄ 8 "
thick, slip 1/4 IP

23904 - Cast iron loader,
1 lb., 3^1 ⁄ 2 " O.D.,^1 ⁄ 2 "
thick, slip 1/4 IP

(^14) ⁄" I.D. Snap-
Type Plastic
Heyco Bush-
ing. Requires
7/16" mounting
26910- Black
26914 - Gold Color
1/8M Bakelite Cord Bush-
ings fit twisted pair and par-
allel lamp cord. Your choice
of color.
26900 - Black
26904 - White
1/8F Bakelite Cord Bush-
ings fit twisted pair and par-
allel lamp cord. Your choice
of color.
26901 - Black
26905 - White
1/4F Bakelite Cord Bushings
fit twisted pair and parallel
lamp cord. Choice of color.
26907 - Black
26906 - White

26911 -

cord bush-
ing, fits a

(^5) ⁄ 16 " hole for
18/2 SPT-1 cord
23905 - Cast Iron Loader,
2.45 lb., 5 1/8" dia., 1/2"
thick. Center hole slips
1/4 IP pipe
23906 - Cast Iron Loader, 1.45 lb.,
4" dia., 1/2" thick. Center hole slips
1/4 IP pipe

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