2015_Hardware01_Layout 1

(Barré) #1

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Early Style Electric Clusters

For 3 Lights

For 2 Lights

Pre-wired 2-lite cluster with Fat Boy pull-chain swivel sockets - All Solid Brass. Tap 1/8F top X
1/4F bottom (for 1/8F bottom order #20912 reducer)

40112 - Polished & Lac-
quered Brass, Pre-wired 2-
lite cluster with pull-chain
swivel sockets - allsolid
brass. Tap 1/8F top X
1/4F bottom (for 1/8F bot-
tom order #20912 reducer).

40118 - Nickel Plated
Brass,Pre-wired 2-
lite cluster with pull-
chain swivel sockets -
allsolid brass. Tap
1/8F top X 1/4F
bottom (for 1/8F bot-
tom order #20912 re-
ducer). 250W-250V

Adjustable Cluster w/Brass Elec-
trolier size pull-chain sockets
(8^1 ⁄ 2 " - 13" ht.). Has 1/8F tap
10410-Steel, brass
plated & lacquered
10411-Solid brass,
polished & lacquered

81 ⁄ 2 "-13"Adjustable Clus-
ter w/ 1/8F bott. & 1/8M
arm nipples.
10414-Steel, brass
plated & lacquered
10415-Solid brass
polished & lacquered

Adjustable Cluster with pull chain sockets
(adjust 10"-15"). Has 1/8 F finial & 1/8 F
10420-Solid brass,
polished & lacquered

IMPROVED Brass Cluster Head
New CLUSTER HEADhas a heavy gauge body and 1/8M brass nipples that
are neatly flanged then soldered inside, for a stronger, safer connection for your
lamp holder sockets. Cluster also comes with a 1/4-27F turned brass finial &
either 1/8F or 1/4F base mount.
For 2 Lights
1/8 F Bottom Mount
10458 - For 2 lights, Pol. & Lacq.
10458U- For 2 lights, Unfinished

For 3 Lights
1/8 F Bottom Mount
10457U- For 3 lights, Unfinished

40116 - Unfinished brass.Pre-
wired 2-lite cluster with pull-
chain swivel sockets - allsolid
brass. Tap 1/8F top X 1/4F
bottom (for 1/8F bottom order
#20912 reducer). 250W-250V.

40119 - Antique Brass
Finish. Pre-wired 2-
lite cluster with pull-
chain swivel sockets -
allsolid brass. Ta p
1/8F top X 1/4F bot-
tom (for 1/8F bottom
order #20912 re-
ducer). 250W-250V
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