©2016 Copyright B & P Lamp Supply, Inc. - Call Toll Free: 1-800-822-3450 Page H-20
47701 - Medium base E26
phenolic 2-lite twin offset
cluster, 1/8F x 1/8F mount-
ing brackets with set screws,
31 ⁄ 2 " height, 8" b/w 105°C
leads, 660W-250V
47702 - Medium base E26
phenolic 4-lite cluster,^1 ⁄ 2 " long
1/8M x 1/8M mounting nip-
ples, 3^1 ⁄ 2 " height top of the
bracket to bottom of the
bracket, 7" b/w 105°C leads,
47703 - Medium base E26
phenolic 3-lite cluster,^5 ⁄ 8 " long
1/8M x 1/8M mounting nip-
ples, 3^1 ⁄ 2 " height top of the
bracket to bottom of the
bracket, 8" b/w 105°C leads,
Phenolic E-26 Medium Base Lamp & Fixture Sockets
47704 - Medium
base E26 phenolic
2-lite cluster,^1 ⁄ 2 "
long 1/8M x
31 ⁄ 2 " height
top of the
bracket to bottom of
the bracket, 7" b/w
105°C leads w/ground
wire, 660W-250V
48722 -Medium base E26
pull chain current tap, recep-
tacles on each side, 660W-
250V, brown, 3^1 ⁄ 4 " height
48722i-Medium base E26
pull chain current tap, recep-
tacles on each side, 660W-
250V, ivory, 3^1 ⁄ 4 " height
48721 - Medium base E26
keyless current tap, receptacles
on each side, 660W-250V,
brown, 2^15 ⁄ 16 " height
Medium base E26 single to twin
lamp holder, 660W max - 250V
48718B- Brown
48718i- Ivory
48725 - Brown medium
E26 to medium E26
adapter with photo cell,
overall extension is 2",
suitable for dry or damp
locations, 150W-120V
incandescent, 60W-
120V fluorscent
48723 - Brown
medium base E26
flange adapter, 10"
105°C leads,
660W-250V, over-
all extension^1 ⁄ 2 "
See page H-220 for
an explanation of
our product certifi-
cation marks.