The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

Traditions of Buddhism

Nearly 2,500 years ago, 'out of compassion for the world, for
the benefit and welfare of the many', Buddhist monks began
their journey south to take the word of the Buddha across India.
Several centuries later their successors began to follow the long
trade routes east through central and South-East Asia into
China. Several centuries later still, monks crossed the mountain
passes to the north and entered Tibet. In India itself Buddhist
monasteries were gradually deserted and all that remained were
crumbling monuments to the past. The twentieth century has wit-
nessed the establishment of the Buddha's word in the West and

the return of the Buddhist Sangha to its homeland in India.^34 And

despite 'the killing fields' of the Khmer Rouge and the ravages

of the Red Guard, the richness and diversity of Buddhism re-

mains: outside a cottage in the English countryside a small group
of people places food in the bowls of European and American

monks as they file past in silence; a hundred miles or so from the

place ofthe Buddha's birth, pilgrims to the shrine of the primordial

Buddha Svayambhunatha in Nepal turn the countless prayer
wheels as they approach the great stiipa; in the hall of a
monastery situated amidst the rice fields of Korea a group of monks
sits silently in meditation; at Aukana in Sri Lanka a woman dressed

in white carefully places an open lotus bud at the feet of the giant

standing Buddha and raises her joined palms to her forehead.

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