The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

322 Glossary

Vaibhii~ika a follower of the teaching of the Mahiivibhii:;ii, a comment-
ary on the Sarvastivadin Abhidharma
Vajrayiina 'the diamond/thunderbolt vehicle', commonly referred to as
tantric Buddhism
Vasubandhu (the Elder) c-4th-century CE Indian Buddhist thinker

. associated with theY ogacara school of thought; by tradition the same
as Vasubandhu the Younger
Vasubandhu (the Younger) c.sth-century CE Indian Buddhist thinker,
author of the Abhidharmakosa, a compendium of Vaibha~?ika/
Sautrantika thought; by tradition the same as Vasubandhu the Elder
Veda the corpus of sacred brahmanical texts
vijiiapti-miitra the idealist doctrine of 'ideas only'
Vinaya '(monastic) discipline'; one of the three main divisions of the
ancient Buddhist canon
vipasyanii/vipassana 'insight' (one of two main types of Buddhist
meditation); cf. samatha
Yogiiciira 'yoga practice'; alongside Madliyamaka, one of the two
principal schools of Mahayana Buddhist thought; also known as

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