The Foundations of Buddhism

(Sean Pound) #1

The Foundations of


Rupert Gethin

The 0 PUS series provides concise
and original introductions to a
wide range of subjects.

'The Buddhist way of meditation,
compassion and non-injury to
sentient beings is a deeply
attractive philosophy. This book
is the best available introduction.'
Andrew Linzey,
Mansfield College, Ox/Q.,rd

Caver photo by Jean· Louis Nou.


'A hundred miles or so from the place
of the Buddha's birth, pilgrims to the
shrine of the primordial Buddha
Svayambhbnii.tha in Nepal turn the
countless prayer wheels as they
approach the great; in the hall of
a monastery situated amidst the rice
fields of Korea a group of monks sits
silently in meditation; at Aukana in Sri
Lanka a woman dressed in white
carefully places an open lotus bud at
the feet of the giant standing Buddha
and raises her joined palms to her

Buddhism is a vast and complex
religious and philosophical tradition
with a history that stretches back over
2,500 years. In this book, Rupert Gethin
investigates the common threads
connecting diverse traditions of
Buddhist thought and practice: the ~tory
of the Buddha, the scriptural tradition of
his teachings, the four 'noble truths',
monastic and lay ways of life, karma and
rebirth, ethics, meditation, and
philosophy. While concentrating on the
formative phase of Buddhism in India,
he also considers the ways in which these
foundations have shaped the
development of Buddhism beyond India
and into the twentieth century.

ISBN 0-19~289223-1

9 780192 89~232 >

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