Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
In  [ 53 ]: %time DAX[‘Return’] =   np.log(DAX[‘Close’] /   DAX[‘Close’].shift( 1 ))
Out[53]: CPU times: user 4 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 4 ms
Wall time: 1.52 ms
In [ 54 ]: DAX[[‘Close’, ‘Ret_Loop’, ‘Return’]].tail()
Out[54]: Close Ret_Loop Return
2014-09-22 9749.54 -0.005087 -0.005087
2014-09-23 9595.03 -0.015975 -0.015975
2014-09-24 9661.97 0.006952 0.006952
2014-09-25 9510.01 -0.015853 -0.015853
2014-09-26 9490.55 -0.002048 -0.002048

This not only provides the same results with more compact and readable code, but also is

the much faster alternative.


In general, you can use the same vectorization approaches with pandas DataFrame objects as you would whenever

you could do such an operation with two NumPy ndarray objects containing the same data.

One column with the log return data is enough for our purposes, so we can delete the other


In  [ 55 ]: del DAX[‘Ret_Loop’]

Now let us have a look at the newly generated return data. Figure 6-4 illustrates two

stylized facts of equity returns:

Volatility clustering

Volatility is not constant over time; there are periods of high volatility (both highly

positive and negative returns) as well as periods of low volatility.

Leverage effect

Generally, volatility and stock market returns are negatively correlated; when

markets come down volatility rises, and vice versa.

Here is the code that generates this plot:

In  [ 56 ]: DAX[[‘Close’,   ‘Return’]].plot(subplots=True,  style=‘b’,
figsize=( 8 , 5 ))

Figure 6-4. The DAX index and daily log returns

While volatility is something of particular importance for options traders, (technical) stock

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