Static Compiling with Cython
The strength of Numba is the effortless application of the approach to arbitrary functions.
However, Numba will only “effortlessly” generate significant performance improvements
for certain types of problems. Another approach, which is more flexible but also more
involved, is to go the route of static compiling with Cython. In effect, Cython is a hybrid
language of Python and C. Coming from Python, the major differences to be noticed are
the static type declarations (as in C) and a separate compiling step (as with any compiled
As a simple example function, consider the following nested loop that again returns
simply the number of loops. Compared to the previous nested loop example, this time the
number of inner loop iterations is scaled by the outer loop iterations. In such a case, you
will pretty quickly run into memory troubles when you try to apply NumPy for a speedup:
In [ 80 ]: def f_py(I, J):
res = 0. # we work on a float object
for i in range(I):
for j in range (J * I):
res += 1
return res
Let us check Python performance for I = 500 and J = 500. A NumPy ndarray object
allowing us to vectorize the function f_py in such a case would already have to have a
shape of (500, 250000):
In [ 81 ]: I, J = 500 , 500
%time f_py(I, J)
Out[81]: CPU times: user 17 s, sys: 2.72 s, total: 19.7 s
Wall time: 14.2 s
Consider next the code shown in Example 8-1. It takes the very same function and
introduces static type declarations for use with Cython. Note that the suffix of this Cython
file is .pyx.
Example 8-1. Nested loop example with Cython static type declarations
Nested loop example with Cython
def f_cy(int I, int J):
cdef double res = 0
double float much slower than int or long
for i in range(I):
for j in range (J * I):
res += 1
return res
In such a simple case, when no special C modules are needed, there is an easy way to
import such a module — namely, via pyximport:
In [ 82 ]: import pyximport
Out[82]: (None, <pyximport.pyximport.PyxImporter at 0x92cfc10>)
This allows us now to directly import from the Cython module:
In [ 83 ]: import sys
# path to the Cython script
# not needed if in same directory