Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

Since we have assumed a highly negative mean for the jump, it should not come as a

surprise that the final values of the simulated index level are more right-skewed in

Figure 10-13 compared to a typical log-normal distribution:

In  [ 43 ]: plt.hist(S[- 1 ],   bins= 50 )

Figure 10-13. Simulated jump diffusion at maturity

The highly negative jumps can also be found in the first 10 simulated index level paths, as

presented in Figure 10-14:

In  [ 44 ]: plt.plot(S[:,   : 10 ], lw=1.5)
plt.ylabel(‘index level’)

Figure 10-14. Simulated jump diffusion paths

Variance Reduction

Not only because of the fact that the Python functions we have used so far generate

pseudorandom numbers, but also due to the varying sizes of the samples drawn, resulting

sets of numbers might not exhibit statistics really close enough to the expected/desired

ones. For example, you would expect a set of standard normally distributed random

numbers to show a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Let us check what statistics

different sets of random numbers exhibit. To achieve a realistic comparison, we fix the

seed value for the random number generator:

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