Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
Out[91]:    10.373513531207843

Compared to the case of a regular asset, the option case has somewhat different

characteristics. We only see a little more than 500 losses due to a default, although we

again have about 1,000 defaults. This results from the fact that the payoff of the option at

maturity has a high probability of being zero:

In  [ 92 ]: np.count_nonzero(L  *   D   *   hT)     #   number  of  losses
Out[92]: 582
In [ 93 ]: np.count_nonzero(D) # number of defaults
Out[93]: 1031
In [ 94 ]: I - np.count_nonzero(hT) # zero payoff
Out[94]: 43995

Figure 10-22 shows that the CVaR for the option has a completely different frequency

distribution compared to the regular asset case:

In  [ 95 ]: plt.hist(L  *   D   *   hT, bins= 50 )
plt.ylim(ymax= 350 )

Figure 10-22. Losses due to risk-neutrally expected default (call option)
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