Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

For what follows we need a number of Python libraries, including scipy.stats and


In  [ 1 ]:  import numpy as np
np.random.seed( 1000 )
import scipy.stats as scs
import statsmodels.api as sm
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Let us define a function to generate Monte Carlo paths for the geometric Brownian motion

(see also Chapter 10):

In  [ 2 ]:  def gen_paths(S0,   r,  sigma,  T,  M,  I):
”’ Generates Monte Carlo paths for geometric Brownian motion.

S0 : float
initial stock/index value
r : float
constant short rate
sigma : float
constant volatility
T : float
final time horizon
M : int
number of time steps/intervals
I : int
number of paths to be simulated

paths : ndarray, shape (M + 1, I)
simulated paths given the parameters
dt = float(T) / M
paths = np.zeros((M + 1 , I), np.float64)
paths[ 0 ] = S0
for t in range( 1 , M + 1 ):
rand = np.random.standard_normal(I)
rand = (rand - rand.mean()) / rand.std()
paths[t] = paths[t - 1 ] * np.exp((r - 0.5 * sigma ** 2 ) * dt +
sigma * np.sqrt(dt) * rand)
return paths

The following is a possible parameterization for the Monte Carlo simulation, generating,

in combination with the function gen_paths, 250,000 paths with 50 time steps each:

In  [ 3 ]:  S0  =   100.
r = 0.05
sigma = 0.2
T = 1.0
M = 50
I = 250000
In [ 4 ]: paths = gen_paths(S0, r, sigma, T, M, I)

Figure 11-1 shows the first 10 simulated paths from the simulation:

In  [ 5 ]:  plt.plot(paths[:,   : 10 ])
plt.xlabel(‘time steps’)
plt.ylabel(‘index level’)

Our main interest is in the distribution of the log returns. The following code generates an

ndarray object with all log returns:

In  [ 6 ]:  log_returns =   np.log(paths[ 1 :]  /   paths[ 0 :- 1 ])
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