Finally, let us check whether the end-of-period values are indeed log-normally distributed.
This boils down to a normality test as well, since we only have to transform the data by
applying the log function to it (to then arrive at normally distributed data — or maybe
not). Figure 11-4 plots both the log-normally distributed end-of-period values and the
transformed ones (“log index level”):
In [ 15 ]: f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots( 1 , 2 , figsize=( 9 , 4 ))
ax1.hist(paths[- 1 ], bins= 30 )
ax1.set_xlabel(‘index level’)
ax1.set_title(‘regular data’)
ax2.hist(np.log(paths[- 1 ]), bins= 30 )
ax2.set_xlabel(‘log index level’)
ax2.set_title(‘log data’)
Figure 11-4. Histogram of simulated end-of-period index levels
The statistics for the data set show expected behavior — for example, a mean value close
to 105 and a standard deviation (volatility) close to 20%:
In [ 16 ]: print_statistics(paths[- 1 ])
Out[16]: statistic value
size 250000.00000
min 42.74870
max 233.58435
mean 105.12645
std 21.23174
skew 0.61116
kurtosis 0.65182
The log index level values also have skew and kurtosis values close to zero:
In [ 17 ]: print_statistics(np.log(paths[- 1 ]))
Out[17]: statistic value
size 250000.00000
min 3.75534
max 5.45354
mean 4.63517
std 0.19998
skew -0.00092
kurtosis -0.00327
This data set also shows high p-values, providing strong support for the normal
distribution hypothesis:
In [ 18 ]: normality_tests(np.log(paths[- 1 ]))