Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
Figure 11-7. Evolution of stock and index levels over time

Calculating the log returns with pandas is a bit more convenient than with NumPy, since we

can use the shift method:

In  [ 27 ]: log_returns =   np.log(data /   data.shift( 1 ))
2006-01-03 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2006-01-04 0.011460 0.003666 0.001466 0.004967
2006-01-05 -0.001284 0.000016 0.013576 0.000900
2006-01-06 0.003581 0.009356 0.039656 -0.003155
2006-01-09 0.000143 0.003650 0.004848 -0.001808

Figure 11-8 provides all log returns in the form of histograms. Although not easy to judge,

one can guess that these frequency distributions might not be normal:

In  [ 28 ]: log_returns.hist(bins= 50 , figsize=( 9 ,    6 ))

Figure 11-8. Histogram of respective log returns
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