Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
Figure 11-13. Minimum risk portfolios for given return level (crosses)

The efficient frontier is comprised of all optimal portfolios with a higher return than the

absolute minimum variance portfolio. These portfolios dominate all other portfolios in

terms of expected returns given a certain risk level.

Capital Market Line

In addition to risky securities like stocks or commodities (such as gold), there is in general

one universal, riskless investment opportunity available: cash or cash accounts. In an

idealized world, money held in a cash account with a large bank can be considered riskless

(e.g., through public deposit insurance schemes). The downside is that such a riskless

investment generally yields only a small return, sometimes close to zero.

However, taking into account such a riskless asset enhances the efficient investment

opportunity set for investors considerably. The basic idea is that investors first determine

an efficient portfolio of risky assets and then add the riskless asset to the mix. By adjusting

the proportion of the investor’s wealth to be invested in the riskless asset it is possible to

achieve any risk-return profile that lies on the straight line (in the risk-return space)

between the riskless asset and the efficient portfolio.

Which efficient portfolio (out of the many options) is to be taken to invest in optimal

fashion? It is the one portfolio where the tangent line of the efficient frontier goes exactly

through the risk-return point of the riskless portfolio. For example, consider a riskless

interest rate of rf = 0.01. We look for that portfolio on the efficient frontier for which the

tangent goes through the point ( f,rf) = (0,0.01) in risk-return space.

For the calculations to follow, we need a functional approximation and the first derivative

for the efficient frontier. We use cubic splines interpolation to this end (cf. Chapter 9):

In  [ 66 ]: import scipy.interpolate as sci

For the spline interpolation, we only use the portfolios from the efficient frontier. The

following code selects exactly these portfolios from our previously used sets tvols and


In  [ 67 ]: ind =   np.argmin(tvols)
evols = tvols[ind:]
erets = trets[ind:]

The new ndarray objects evols and erets are used for the interpolation:

In  [ 68 ]: tck =   sci.splrep(evols,   erets)

Via this numerical route we end up being able to define a continuously differentiable

function f(x) for the efficient frontier and the respective first derivative function df(x):

In  [ 69 ]: def f(x):
”’ Efficient frontier function (splines approximation). ”’
return sci.splev(x, tck, der= 0 )
def df(x):
”’ First derivative of efficient frontier function. ”’
return sci.splev(x, tck, der= 1 )

What we are looking for is a function t(x) = a + b · x describing the line that passes

through the riskless asset in risk-return space and that is tangent to the efficient frontier.

Equation 11-4 describes all three conditions that the function t(x) has to satisfy.

Equation 11-4. Mathematical conditions for capital market line

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