Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

Calling the multiplication method, however, works as desired:

In  [ 37 ]: c.multiplication()
Out[37]: 300

To conclude the introduction into the main concepts of Python classes and objects, we

want to pick one other special method of importance: the iter method. It is called

whenever an iteration over an instance of a class is asked for. To begin with, define a list

of first names as follows:

In  [ 38 ]: name_list   =   [‘Sandra’,  ‘Lilli’,    ‘Guido’,    ‘Zorro’,    ‘Henry’]

In Python it is usual to iterate over such lists directly — i.e., without the use of integer

counters or indexes:

In  [ 39 ]: for name in name_list:
print name
Out[39]: Sandra

We are now going to define a new Python class that also returns values from a list, but the

list is sorted before the iterator starts returning values from the list. The class sorted_list

contains the following definitions:


To initialize the attribute elements we expect a list object, which we sort at



This special method is called whenever an iteration is desired; it needs a definition of

a next method.


This method defines what happens per iteration step; it starts at index value

self.position = -1 and increases the value by 1 per call; it then returns the value

of elements at the current index value of self.position.

The class definition looks like this:

In  [ 40 ]: class sorted_list(object):
def __init__(self, elements):
self.elements = sorted(elements) # sorted list object
def __iter__(self):
self.position = - 1
return self
def next(self):
if self.position == len(self.elements) - 1 :
raise StopIteration
self.position += 1
return self.elements[self.position]

Instantiate the class now with the name_list object:

In  [ 41 ]: sorted_name_list    =   sorted_list(name_list)

The outcome is as desired — iterating over the new object returns the elements in

alphabetical order:

In  [ 42 ]: for name in sorted_name_list:
print name
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