Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

dependencies for which no current version is installed. For our newly created

environment, the updating would take the form:

$   conda   update  -n  py33test    pandas

Finally, conda makes it easy to remove packages with the remove command from the main

installation or a specific environment. The basic usage is:

$   conda   remove  scipy

For an environment it is:

$   conda   remove  -n  py33test    scipy

Since the removal is a somewhat “final” operation, you might want to dry run the


$   conda   remove  —dry-run    -n  py33test    scipy

If you are sure, you can go ahead with the actual removal. To get back to the original

Python and Anaconda version, deactivate the environment:

$   source  deactivate

Finally, we can clean up the whole environment by use of remove with the option —all:

$   conda   remove  —all    -n  py33test

The package manager conda makes Python deployment quite convenient. Apart from the

basic functionalities illustrated in this section, there are also a number of more advanced

features available. Detailed documentation is found at

Python Quant Platform

There are a number of reasons why one might like to deploy Python via a web browser.

Among them are:

No need for installation

Local installations of a complete Python environment might be both complex (e.g., in

a large organization with many computers), and costly to support and maintain;

making Python available via a web browser makes deployment much more efficient

in certain scenarios.

Use of (better) remote hardware

When it comes to complex, compute- and memory-intensive analytics tasks, a local

computer might not be able to perform such tasks; the use of (multiple) shared

servers with multiple cores, larger memories, and maybe GPGPUs makes such tasks

possible and more efficient.


Working, for example, with a team on a single or multiple servers makes

collaboration simpler and also increases efficiency: data is not moved to every local

machine, nor, after the analytics tasks are finished, are the results moved back to

some central storage unit and/or distributed among the team members.

The Python Quant Platform is a web- and browser-based financial analytics and

collaboration platform developed and maintained by The Python Quants GmbH. You can

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