Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

Chapter 6 provides an example based on the data source and API that we use in what

follows. It is the stock price API for intraday real-time data provided by Netfonds, a

Norwegian online broker. The API and web service, respectively, have the following basic

URL format:

In  [ 69 ]: url1    =   ‘’
url2 = ‘date=%s%s%s&paper=%s.O&csv_format=csv’
url = url1 + url2

This URL is to be customized by providing date information and the symbol one is

interested in:

In  [ 70 ]: today   =
y = ‘%d’ % today.year
# current year
m = ‘%02d’ % today.month
# current month, add leading zero if needed
d = ‘%02d’ % (
# current day, add leading zero if needed
sym = ‘AAPL’
# Apple Inc. stocks
In [ 71 ]: y, m, d, sym
Out[71]: (‘2014’, ‘09’, ‘29’, ‘AAPL’)
In [ 72 ]: urlreq = url % (y, m, d, sym)
Out[72]: ‘

Equipped with the right URL string, retrieving data is only one line of code away:

In  [ 73 ]: data    =   pd.read_csv(urlreq, parse_dates=[‘time’])
# initialize DataFrame object

The details of what follows are known from the previous example. First, the initial plot:

In  [ 74 ]: bp.line(data[‘time’],   data[‘bid’],
x_axis_type=‘datetime’, legend=sym)
# intial plot
Out[74]: <bokeh.objects.Plot at 0x7f92bedc8dd0>

Second, selection of the rendering object:

In  [ 75 ]: renderer    =   [r for r in bp.curplot().renderers
if isinstance(r, Glyph)][ 0 ]
ds = renderer.data_source

Third, the while loop updating the financial data and the plot per loop:

In  [ 76 ]: start   =   time.time()
while (time.time() - start) < 60 :
data = pd.read_csv(urlreq, parse_dates=[‘time’])
data = data[data[‘time’] > dt.datetime(int(y), int(m), int(d),
10 , 0 , 0 )]
# only data from trading start at 10am[‘x’] = data[‘time’][‘y’] = data[‘bid’]
ds._dirty = True

Figure 14-6 shows the resulting output — again, unfortunately, only a static snapshot of a

real-time plot.

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