Valuation of European volatility options
in Gruenbichler-Longstaff (1996) model
square-root diffusion framework
— parameter dictionary & web service function
from vol_pricing_formula import calculate_option_value
model parameters
‘V0’ : ‘current volatility level’,
‘kappa’ : ‘mean reversion factor’,
‘theta’ : ‘long-run mean of volatility’,
‘sigma’ : ‘volatility of volatility’,
‘zeta’ : ‘factor of the expected volatility risk premium’,
‘T’ : ‘time horizon in years’,
‘r’ : ‘risk-free interest rate’,
‘K’ : ‘strike’
function for web service
def get_option_value(data):
”’ A helper function for web service. ”’
errorline = ‘Missing parameter %s (%s)\n’
errormsg = ”
for para in PARAMS:
if not data.has_key(para):
check if all parameters are provided
errormsg += errorline % (para, PARAMS[para])
if errormsg != ”:
return errormsg
result = calculate_option_value(
return str(result)
To begin with, we add the path of the aforementioned Python scripts:
In [ 87 ]: import sys
# adjust if necessary to your path
We use the library Werkzeug to handle our WSGI application-based web service (recall that
Werkzeug is an integral part of Flask). To this end, we need to import some functions from
Werkzeug sublibraries:
In [ 88 ]: from werkzeug.wrappers import Request, Response
Furthermore, for our core WSGI application to follow, we need the function
get_option_value that we defined earlier:
In [ 89 ]: from vol_pricing_service import get_option_value
The only thing that remains is to implement the WSGI application (function) itself. This
function might in our case look as follows:
In [ 90 ]: def application(environ, start_response):
request = Request(environ)
# wrap environ in new object
text = get_option_value(request.args)
# provide all parameters of call to function
# get back either error message or option value
response = Response(text, mimetype=‘text/html’)
# generate response object based on the returned text