Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

Chapter 17 addresses the valuation of single derivatives with European or American

exercise based on a single underlying risk factor; again, a generic and two specialized

classes represent the major building blocks. The generic class allows the estimation

of the Delta and the Vega independent of the option type.

Chapter 18 is about the valuation of possibly complex derivatives portfolios with

multiple derivatives based on multiple, possibly correlated underlyings; a simple

class for the modeling of a derivatives position is presented as well as a more

complex class for a consistent portfolio valuation.

Chapter 19 uses the DX library developed in the other chapters to value and manage a

portfolio of options on the VSTOXX volatility index.

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Cf. Bittman, James (2009): Trading Options as a Professional (McGraw Hill, New York) for an introduction to and

a comprehensive overview of options trading and related topics like market fundamentals and the role of the so-called

Greeks in options risk management.
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