Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data
Further Reading
Useful references in book form for the topics covered in this chapter are:
Delbaen, Freddy and Walter Schachermayer (2004): The Mathematics of Arbitrage.
Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Fletcher, Shayne and Christopher Gardner (2009): Financial Modelling in Python.
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England.
Hilpisch, Yves (2015): Derivatives Analytics with Python. Wiley Finance, Chichester,
Williams, David (1991): Probability with Martingales. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, England.
For the original research papers defining the models cited in this chapter, refer to the
“Further Reading” sections in subsequent chapters.
[ 61 ]
Cf. the book by Delbaen and Schachermayer (2004) for a comprehensive review and details of the mathematical
machinery involved. See also Chapter 4 of Hilpisch (2015) for a shorter introduction, in particular for the discrete time
[ 62 ]
The strategy would involve selling an option at a price of 2.5 USD and buying 0.25 stocks for 2.5 USD. The payoff
of such a portfolio is 0 no matter what scenario plays out in the simple economy.
[ 63 ]
Cf. Williams (1991) on the probabilistic concepts.
[ 64 ]
Cf. Delbaen and Schachermayer (2004).
[ 65 ]
Adding a time component is actually a straightforward undertaking, which is nevertheless not done here for the ease
of the exposition.
[ 66 ]
For the pricing of, for example, short-dated options, this assumption seems satisfied in many circumstances.
[ 67 ]
A unit zero-coupon bond pays exactly one currency unit at its maturity and no coupons between today and maturity.
[ 68 ]
See Chapter 13 for the basics of object-oriented development in Python. Here, and for the rest of this part, we
deviate from the standard PEP 8 naming conventions with regard to Python class names. PEP 8 recommends using
“CapWords” or “CamelCase” convention in general for Python class names. We rather use the function name convention
as mentioned in PEP 8 as a valid alternative “in cases where the interface is documented and used primarily as a
[ 69 ]
On this concept see also Fletcher and Gardner (2009), who use market environments extensively.