Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

Generic Simulation Class

Object-oriented modeling — as introduced in Chapter 13 — allows inheritance of

attributes and methods. This is what we want to make use of when building our simulation

classes: we start with a generic simulation class containing those attributes and methods

that all other simulation classes share.

To begin with, it is noteworthy that we instantiate an object of any simulation class by

“only” providing three attributes:


A string object as a name for the model simulation object


An instance of the market_environment class


A flag (bool) indicating whether the object is correlated or not

This again illustrates the role of a market environment: to provide in a single step all data

and objects required for simulation and valuation. The methods of the generic class are:


This method generates the time grid of relevant dates used for the simulation; this

task is the same for every simulation class.


Every simulation class has to return the ndarray object with the simulated instrument

values (e.g., simulated stock prices, commodities prices, volatilities).

Example 16-2 presents such a generic model simulation class. The methods make use of

other methods that the model-tailored classes will provide, like self.generate_paths. All

details in this regard will become clear when we have the full picture of a specialized,

nongeneric simulation class.

Example 16-2. Generic financial model simulation class

DX Library Simulation

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

class simulation_class(object):
”’ Providing base methods for simulation classes.

name : string
name of the object
mar_env : instance of market_environment
market environment data for simulation
corr : Boolean
True if correlated with other model object

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