Square-Root Diffusion
The third stochastic process to be simulated is the square-root diffusion as used by Cox,
Ingersoll, and Ross (1985) to model stochastic short rates. Equation 16-5 shows the
stochastic differential equation of the process (see also Equation 10-4 in Chapter 10 for
further details).
Equation 16-5. Stochastic differential equation of square-root diffusion
We use the discretization scheme as presented in Equation 16-6 (see also Equation 10-5 in
Chapter 10, as well as Equation 10-6, for an alternative, exact scheme).
Equation 16-6. Euler discretization for square-root diffusion (full truncation scheme)
The Simulation Class
Example 16-5 presents the Python code for the square_root_diffusion simulation class.
Apart from, of course, a different model and discretization scheme, the class does not
contain anything new compared to the other two specialized classes.
Example 16-5. Simulation class for square-root diffusion
DX Library Simulation
import numpy as np
from sn_random_numbers import sn_random_numbers
from simulation_class import simulation_class
class square_root_diffusion(simulation_class):
”’ Class to generate simulated paths based on
the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (1985) square-root diffusion model.
name : string
name of the object
mar_env : instance of market_environment
market environment data for simulation
corr : Boolean
True if correlated with other model object
update :