Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
“plt.plot(a,    b,  ‘b^’)\n”,
“language”: “python”,
“metadata”: {},
“outputs”: [
“metadata”: {},
“output_type”: “display_data”,
“png”: “iVBORw0KGgoAAAAN...SuQmCC\n”,
“text”: [
“<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x105812a10>”
“prompt_number”: 3
“metadata”: {}

For example, when converting such a file to LaTeX, raw text cells can contain LaTeX code

since the content of such cells is simply passed on by the converter. All this is one of the

reasons why the IPython Notebook is nowadays often used for the composition of larger,

more complex documents, like scientific research papers. You have executable code and

documenting text in a single file that can be translated into a number of different output


In a finance context this also makes IPython a valuable tool, since, for example, the

mathematical description of an algorithm and the executable Python version can live in

the same document. Depending on the usage scenario, a web page (e.g., intranet), a PDF

document (e.g., client mailings), or a presentation (e.g., board meeting) can be generated.

With regard to the presentation option, you can, for example, skip those cells that may

contain text passages that might be too long for a presentation.

The basic usage of the Notebook is quite intuitive. You mainly navigate it with the arrow

keys and “execute” cells by using either Shift-Return or Ctrl-Return. The difference is that

the first option moves you automatically to the next cell after execution while the second

option lets you remain at the same cell. The effect of “executing” cells depends on the

type of the cell. If it is a code cell, then the code is executed and the output (if any) is

shown. If it is a Markdown cell, the content is rendered to show the result.

Markdown and LaTeX

The following shows a few selected examples for Markdown commands:

**bold**    prints  the text    in  bold

*italic*    prints  the text    in  italic

_italic_    also    prints  it  in  italic

**_italic_**    bold    and italic

bullet  point   lists:

*   first_bullet
* second_bullet

– renders to  a   dash

<br>    inserts a   line    break
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