Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data
Figure 2-4 shows the same code both in a raw text cell (which looks the same as the
preceding text) and rendered in a Markdown cell. In this way, you can easily combine
Python code and formatted, nicely rendered text in a single document.
A detailed description of the Markdown language used for IPython Notebook is found at
As mentioned before, the rendering capabilities of IPython are not restricted to the
Markdown language. IPython also renders by default mathematical formulae described on
the basis of the LaTeX typesetting system, the de facto standard for scientific publishing.
Consider, for example, from Chapter 1 the formula for the index level in the Black-
Scholes-Merton (1973) model, as provided in Equation 1-1. For convenience, we repeat it
here as Equation 2-1.
Equation 2-1. Black-Scholes-Merton (1973) index level at maturity