Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1
Figure 18-2. Highly correlated risk factors

As a last numerical and conceptual example, consider the frequency distribution of the

portfolio present value. This is something impossible to generate in general with other

approaches, like the application of analytical formulae or the binomial option pricing

model. We get the complete set of present values per option position by calculating a

present value and passing the parameter flag full=True:

In  [ 36 ]: pv1 =    5  *   port_corr.valuation_objects[‘eur_call_pos’].\
present_value(full=True)[ 1 ]
Out[36]: array([ 0. , 22.55857473, 8.2552922 , ..., 0. ,

                                                                    0.                              ,           0.                              ])

In [ 37 ]: pv2 = 3 * port_corr.valuation_objects[‘am_put_pos’].\
present_value(full=True)[ 1 ]
Out[37]: array([ 22.04450095, 10.90940926, 20.25092898, ..., 21.68232889,
17.7583897 , 0. ])

First, we compare the frequency distribution of the two positions. The payoff profiles of

the two positions, as displayed in Figure 18-3, are quite different. Note that we limit both

the x- and y-axes for better readability:

In  [ 38 ]: plt.hist([pv1,  pv2],   bins= 25 ,
label=[‘European call’, ‘American put’]);
plt.axvline(pv1.mean(), color=‘r’, ls=‘dashed’,
lw=1.5, label=‘call mean = %4.2f’ % pv1.mean())
plt.axvline(pv2.mean(), color=‘r’, ls=‘dotted’,
lw=1.5, label=‘put mean = %4.2f’ % pv2.mean())
plt.xlim( 0 , 80 ); plt.ylim( 0 , 10000 )
plt.grid(); plt.legend()

Figure 18-3. Portfolio frequency distribution of present values
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