Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

relevant European call options. They only differentiate themselves by the relevant strike

price; everything else in the market environment is the same. We store the single valuation

objects in a dict object. As keys for the dict object, we take the index values of the

option quotes in the DataFrame object option_selection for unique identification:

In  [ 40 ]: option_models   =   {}
for option in option_selection.index:
strike = option_selection[‘STRIKE’].ix[option]
me_vstoxx.add_constant(‘strike’, strike)
option_models[option] = \
‘eur_call_%d’ % strike,

A single step in the calibration routine makes the updating of all valuation objects and a

revaluation of all options necessary. For convenience, we put this functionality into a

separate function:

In  [ 41 ]: def calculate_model_values(p0):
”’ Returns all relevant option values.

p0 : tuple/list
tuple of kappa, theta, volatility

model_values : dict
dictionary with model values
kappa, theta, volatility = p0
model_values = {}
for option in option_models:
model_values[option] = \
return model_values

Providing a parameter tuple of kappa, theta, and volatility to the function

calculate_model_values gives back, ceteris paribus, model option values for all relevant


In  [ 42 ]: calculate_model_values((0.5,    27.5,   vol_est))
Out[42]: {46482: 3.206401,
46483: 2.412354,
46484: 1.731028,
46485: 1.178823,
46486: 0.760421,
46487: 0.46249,
46488: 0.263662,
46489: 0.142177,
46490: 0.07219}

Calibration Procedure

Calibration of an option pricing model is, in general, a convex optimization problem. The

most widely used function used for the calibration — i.e., the minimization — is the

mean-squared error (MSE) for the model option values given the market quotes of the

options. Assume there are N relevant options, and also model and market quotes. The

problem of calibrating a financial model to the market quotes based on the MSE is then

given in Equation 19-1. There, and are the market price and the model price of the

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