The two main elements of Python documentation are:
Inline documentation
Inline documentation can in principle be placed anywhere in the code; it is indicated
by the use of one or more leading hash characters (#). In general, there should be at
least two spaces before a hash.
Documentation strings
Such strings are used to provide documentation for Python functions (methods) and
classes, and are generally placed within their definition (at the beginning of the
indented code).
The code in Example A-2 contains multiple examples of inline documentation.
Example A-4 shows the same function definition as in Example A-3, but this time with a
documentation string added.
Example A-4. The Python function is_prime with documentation string
Function to check prime characteristic of integer
def is_prime(I):
”’ Function to test for prime characteristic of an integer.
I : int
number to be checked for prime characteristc
output: string
states whether number is prime or not;
if not, provide a prime factor
if argument is not an integer
if the integer is too small (2 or smaller)
>>> is_prime(11)
Number is prime.
>>> is_prime(8)
Number is even, therefore not prime.
>>> is_prime(int(1e8 + 7))
Number is prime.
if type(I) != int:
raise TypeError(“Input has not the right type.”)
if I <= 3 :
raise ValueError(“Number too small.”)
if I % 2 == 0 :
print “Number is even, therefore not prime.”
end = int(I / 2.) + 1