for i in range( 3 , end, 2 ):
if I % i == 0 :
print “Number is not prime, it is divided by %d.” % i
if i >= end - 2 :
print “Number is prime.”
In general, such a documentation string provides information about the following
Which parameters/arguments to provide, and in which format (e.g., int)
What the function/method returns, and in which format
Which (“special”) errors might be raised
Example usage of the function/methods
The use of documentation strings is not only helpful for those who take a look at the code
itself. The majority of Python tools, like IPython and Spyder, allow direct access to this
documentation and help source. Figure A-1 shows a screenshot of Spyder, this time with
the function is_prime shown in the editor and the rendered documentation string of the
function in the object inspector (upper right). This illustrates how helpful it is to always
include meaningful documentation strings in functions and classes.