large integers, Integers
commands, Markdown and LaTeX
IPython Notebook cells and, Basic usage
least-squares function, Individual basis functions
Least-Squares Monte Carlo (LSM) algorithm, American Options, Derivatives Valuation,
Least-Squares Monte Carlo
leverage effect, Financial Data, Stochastic volatility
available in Anaconda, Anaconda
Cython library, Basic Data Types
importing, The Python Ecosystem, Basic Vectorization, Approximation
importing to IPython, From shell to browser
standard, The Python Ecosystem
list comprehensions, Excursion: Control Structures
lists, Lists, Arrays with Python Lists
LLVM compiler infrastructure, Dynamic Compiling
local maximum a posteriori point, Introductory Example
local optimization, Local Optimization, Calibration Procedure
lognormal function, Random Variables
Longstaff-Schwartz model, Least-Squares Monte Carlo, A Use Case
loss level, Credit Value Adjustments
magic commands/functions, Magic commands
Markdown commands, Markdown and LaTeX
market environments, Market Environments
(Markov Chain) Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling, Introductory Example
Markov property, Stochastic Processes
martingale measures, Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing, Least-Squares Monte Carlo
mathematical syntax, Finance and Python Syntax
mathematical tools
approximation of functions, Approximation–Differentiation
convex optimization, Convex Optimization–Constrained Optimization