The different parameters have the following meaning:
Price/level of the underlying at time t
Constant volatility (i.e., standard deviation of returns) of the underlying
Strike price of the option
Maturity date of the option
Constant riskless short rate
Consider now that an option quote for a European call option C* is given. The implied
is the quantity that solves the implicit Equation 3-2.
Equation 3-2. Implied volatility given market quote for option
There is no closed-form solution to this equation, such that one has to use a numerical
solution procedure like the Newton scheme to estimate the correct solution. This scheme
iterates, using the first derivative of the relevant function, until a certain number of
iterations or a certain degree of precision is reached. Formally, we have Equation 3-3 for
some starting value and for 0 < n < ∞.
Equation 3-3. Newton scheme for numerically solving equations
The partial derivative of the option pricing formula with respect to the volatility is called
Vega and is given in closed form by Equation 3-4.
Equation 3-4. Vega of a European option in BSM model