from math import log, sqrt
from scipy import stats
S0 = float(S0)
d1 = (log(S0 / K) + (r + 0.5 * sigma * 2 ) T / (sigma sqrt(T))
vega = S0 stats.norm.cdf(d1, 0.0, 1.0) * sqrt(T)
return vega
Implied volatility function
def bsm_call_imp_vol(S0, K, T, r, C0, sigma_est, it= 100 ):
”’ Implied volatility of European call option in BSM model.
S0 : float
initial stock/index level
K : float
strike price
T : float
maturity date (in year fractions)
r : float
constant risk-free short rate
sigma_est : float
estimate of impl. volatility
it : integer
number of iterations
simga_est : float
numerically estimated implied volatility
for i in range(it):
sigma_est -= ((bsm_call_value(S0, K, T, r, sigma_est) - C0)
/ bsm_vega(S0, K, T, r, sigma_est))
return sigma_est
These are only the basic functions needed to calculate implied volatilities. What we need
as well, of course, are the respective option quotes, in our case for European call options
on the VSTOXX index, and the code that generates the single implied volatilities. We will
see how to do this based on an interactive IPython session.
Let us start with the day from which the quotes are taken; i.e., our t = 0 reference day. This
is March 31, 2014. At this day, the closing value of the index was V 0 = 17.6639 (we
change from S to V to indicate that we are now working with the volatility index):
In [ 1 ]: V0 = 17.6639
For the risk-free short rate, we assume a value of r = 0.01 p.a.:
In [ 2 ]: r = 0.01
All other input parameters are given by the options data (i.e., T and K) or have to be
calculated (i.e.,
). The data is stored in a pandas DataFrame object (see Chapter 6) and
saved in a PyTables database file (see Chapter 7). We have to read it from disk into
In [ 3 ]: import pandas as pd
h5 = pd.HDFStore(‘./source/vstoxx_data_31032014.h5’, ‘r’)
futures_data = h5[‘futures_data’] # VSTOXX futures data
options_data = h5[‘options_data’] # VSTOXX call option data