Python for Finance: Analyze Big Financial Data

(Elle) #1

all platforms that Python runs on use the IEEE 754 double-precision standard (i.e., 64

bits), for internal representation.

[ 20 ]

This translates into a 15-digit relative accuracy.

Since this topic is of high importance for several application areas in finance, it is

sometimes necessary to ensure the exact, or at least best possible, representation of

numbers. For example, the issue can be of importance when summing over a large set of

numbers. In such a situation, a certain kind and/or magnitude of representation error

might, in aggregate, lead to significant deviations from a benchmark value.

The module decimal provides an arbitrary-precision object for floating-point numbers and

several options to address precision issues when working with such numbers:

In  [ 15 ]: import decimal
from decimal import Decimal
In [ 16 ]: decimal.getcontext()
Out[16]: Context(prec=28, rounding=ROUND_HALF_EVEN, Emin=-999999999, Emax=999999
999, capitals=1, flags=[], traps=[Overflow, InvalidOperation, DivisionB
In [ 17 ]: d = Decimal( 1 ) / Decimal ( 11 )
Out[17]: Decimal(‘0.09090909090909090909090909091’)

You can change the precision of the representation by changing the respective attribute

value of the Context object:

In  [ 18 ]: decimal.getcontext().prec   =    4       #  lower   precision   than    default
In [ 19 ]: e = Decimal( 1 ) / Decimal ( 11 )
Out[19]: Decimal(‘0.09091’)
In [ 20 ]: decimal.getcontext().prec = 50 # higher precision than default
In [ 21 ]: f = Decimal( 1 ) / Decimal ( 11 )
Out[21]: Decimal(‘0.090909090909090909090909090909090909090909090909091’)

If needed, the precision can in this way be adjusted to the exact problem at hand and one

can operate with floating-point objects that exhibit different degrees of accuracy:

In  [ 22 ]: g   =   d   +   e   +   f
Out[22]: Decimal(‘0.27272818181818181818181818181909090909090909090909’)


The module decimal provides an arbitrary-precision floating-point number object. In finance, it might sometimes

be necessary to ensure high precision and to go beyond the 64-bit double-precision standard.


Now that we can represent natural and floating-point numbers, we turn to text. The basic

data type to represent text in Python is the string. The string object has a number of

really helpful built-in methods. In fact, Python is generally considered to be a good choice

when it comes to working with text files of any kind and any size. A string object is

generally defined by single or double quotation marks or by converting another object

using the str function (i.e., using the object’s standard or user-defined string


In  [ 23 ]: t   =   ‘this   is  a   string  object’

With regard to the built-in methods, you can, for example, capitalize the first word in this


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