Dan NadelNadel, who calls NewYork home, is the co-editor of The ComicsJournal and the authorof The Collected HairyWho Publications,as well as two anthologieson the history of comics.As a curator he hasmounted exhibitionsincluding the 2014ââWhat Nerve! AlternativeFigures in AmericanArt: 1960 to the Present,âin Providence andNew York, and theÃUVWPDMRU-DFN.LUE\retrospective, in Lucerne,Switzerland, in 2010.On page 60, he looksat the work of NewZealand artist Susan7H.DKXUDQJL.LQJ``````âKingâs picturesare like smallportals to a placeof invertedperspectives.â
CONTRIBUTORS // JUNE/JULYCairo-based Guyer isa fellow at the Instituteof Current WorldAffairs and a contrib-uting editor at theCairo Review of GlobalAffairs, where heserved as senior editorfrom 2013 to 2015.As a Fulbright fellow,he researched politicalcartoons in Egyptfrom 2012 to 2013 andblogs about theVXEMHFWDWoumcartoon.tumblr.com. For thisissue, on page 70, hereports from the complexart scene in Qatar.``````âDoha is a landof celebrity artistsand starchitectsâI kept runninginto Jeff Koons.â
Arielle BierA regular contributorto Artforum, Artsy,Frieze, and others, Bier,who is based in Berlin,writes a suite of reviewson three exhibitionsfor this issue, found onpage 109. She alsotraveled to Moscow toreview Taryn Simonâsshow at Garage Museumof ContemporaryArt, on page 98. Thetrip afforded her theopportunity to see oneof the original BlackSquare paintingsE\.D]LPLU0DOHYLFKDWthe Tretyakov Gallery,and learn about thelineage of contemporaryart in Russia, fromRealist portraiture toMoscow Conceptualism.
Jonathan GuyerâI am interested inartworks thatcommunicate aninternal logic.â
Andrew BerardiniBerardini is acontributing editor atArt-Agenda and Momusand teaches at theMountain Schoolof Arts in his nativeLos Angeles. His bookDanh Vo: Relics wasreleased by Mousse thisyear. For this issue,on page 78, he coversthe âmyth and ruinin Californiaâ found inthe work of Daniel R.Small.â BerardiniLVFXUUHQWO\ÃQLVKLQJa book about color andâdreaming of placesthat arenât the square footin front of my laptop.â``````âIt was a particulardelight to getthe chance tohandle abit of rubble fromDeMilleâs 1923set for The TenCommandments.â``````âI loved focusingon the humor inthese artistsâwork, as well astaking a feministstance by writingmostly aboutwomen painters.â``````A writer, musician, andartist, New YorkâbasedCoates writes on page 54about contemporarypainterly gestures,looking at severalcontemporary artistswho use AbstractExpressionist paintingtechniques to stand in forVRPHWKLQJYHU\VSHFLÃFâfrom Dana Schutzâspainting of a sneezeWR.DWKHULQH%UDGIRUG·Vwatery expanses,â asCoates describes them.Her most recent seriesof paintings, âTotal Fat,ârepresents iconic versionsof processed Americanfoods, and she has asolo exhibition at thePennsylvania Academyof Fine Arts on viewWKURXJK-XO\
martin jones
(Martin Jones)