EVA AND FRANCO MATTESTRENDS // SNEAK PEEKS // NEWSMAKERS // PORTFOLIOPARTNERS IN ART and life since they met atage 18 in 1994, Italian artists Eva and FrancoMattes have by turns a playful and criticalrelationship to cultural institutions and massmedia, particularly the Internet. Their morethan 20-year careerâduring which they havestolen fragments of notable artworks,âremixedâ websites, and convinced the citizensof Vienna that the cityâs Karlsplatz wouldbe renamed and rededicated to the sportswearcompany Nikeâalso charts the evolution ofthe Internet into a corporatized entity. TheÃUVWWKUHHHSLVRGHVRIWKHLUYLGHRVHULHV Ì'DUNContentâ premiered at Essex Flowers inNew York last fall; another four will show,alongside two adjacent bodies of work, in an``````exhibition opening at Carroll/Fletcher inLondon on June 10. The duo spoke to ModernPainters senior editor Thea Ballard aboutthe Internet, dark and otherwise.``````THEA BALLARD: Tell me about the origin ofyour series âDark Content.âFRANCO MATTES: It started when a videoof ours got removed from YouTube and wesent an e-mail asking for an explanation. As itturned out, itâs not software that does thisremoval. Most people think that certain contentJHWVUHPRYHGDXWRPDWLFDOO\DIWHULW·VÃDJJHGby users enough times, but itâs not like that.We did a little bit of research, and thatâs howwe discovered the shady world of content``````moderators: The process is actually performedE\UHDOSHRSOH7KHVH ÌKXPDQÃOWHUVμDUHSDLGto watch all the images and videos that getÃDJJHGE\HQRXJKYLHZHUVDQGWKH\GHFLGHwhether or not this material should stay or beremoved. There are a lot of content moderators,but itâs also, for many reasons, an invisiblelabor force. One, they themselves want toremain anonymous because itâs pretty horriblework to do. They spend their days in front ofa monitor watching videos of torture, killing,beheadings, pedophilia, rapes, cat killing.They follow guidelines given by their companies,but the companies themselves are anonymous,so even the moderators donât know who theyâreworking forâone of them told me, âIâm pretty``````NEWSMAKER
Eva and FrancoMattes in Brooklyn,2016.BLOUINARTINFO.COM JUNE/JULY 2016MODERN PAINTERS 29
martin jones
(Martin Jones)