Installation viewsof Work No. 227,The lights going onand off, 2000,at the Museum ofModern Art,New York, 2007.OPPOSITE:Work No. 610,Sick Film, 2006,3 3 m m fi l m , 21 m i n.``````start going on and off. But also, itâs a fuckingboring world, so wanting to make work likea child feels like a very good idea to me. Likea child before heâs been dumbed down by adults.In my experience, itâs children who like thework. It tends to be adults who donât like it.``````Your largest public work to date is ared neon sculpture that forms the wordâunderstandingâ in Brooklyn BridgePark. Why did you choose that word?I think of it very much as antiwar. I wasinitially thinking of doing âpeace, love, andunderstandingâ in three parts, which camepartly from the way I started saying good-byeto my stepdaughter a few years ago. BecauseI was her stepdad, and not her real dad, I wasnever quite sure what my exact position was. Wedeveloped this thing where weâd say âpeace, love,and understandingâ and make a peace symbolcrossed with two hands together, then the twohands would make a heart symbol, and then wemade up a symbol that meant understanding.Itâs kind of like a wave, like brainwaves betweentwo people. So itâs a way of saying good-bye, away of communicating with someone, but itâsnot saying âIâll see you tomorrowâ or anythingspecific like that. I worked on this sculpture moreas a three-part work, but then I thought thatjust âunderstandingâ was enough. It was simpler.Basically, I feel that if you can understandsomeone, you can live with them.``````Do you consider yourself an artist?I just donât like using that word. Iâm superstitiousabout it. I think itâs like if you asked me to tella joke and make you laugh, I donât think I coulddo it. Iâd just freeze up. So the idea that Iâdmake a work of art, that just makes me freezeup. Talking about art is like talking about abig abstract idea thatâs amazing and beautiful,but thatâs not helpful when trying to makesomething amazing and beautiful. If you think,I really want to make people laugh, it becomesvery difficult because youâre setting a goal,and thatâs counterproductive. Because whatgets called art in the world is something thatI think is very much worth trying to do.Now people going to art school think itâs oneof the few areas where people can do stupidthings, and therefore itâs much more trueto life, because life is stupid and weird andcrazy. In a lot of parts of life, you haveto drive on the right side of the road orfollow the rules because otherwise youâllget put in prison or whatever. But if Igo around saying Iâm an artist and itâssuch a big important thingâthatâsthe problem with the word art. I sayart is important if people collectivelythink itâs important. But thatsignificance is not created by the
martin jones
(Martin Jones)