Modern Painters

(Martin Jones) #1

paintersBLOUINmodernpaintersmodern``````+``````DANIEL R. SMALL DIGS UP THE MYTHSOF L.A.MARTIN CREED IS NOTAN ARTISTTHE TIRELESS GENIUS OFCARMEN HERRERA>JUNE/JULY^ CONTENTSON THE COVER:Carmen Herrera, photographed in New York for Modern Painters by Camilo Fuentealba, 2016.``````Liu WeiInstallation viewof Big Dog, 2006–16,in “What About theArt? ContemporaryArt from China,” atthe Qatar MuseumsGallery Al Riwaq.70ShowcaseSpotlightAlphachannelingby Ariela Gittlen``````On CraftWays to wrest meaningfrom the goo of paintby Jennifer Coates``````Susan TeKahurangi KingDrawing new worldsby Dan NadelCommentMusicElysia Crampton’s complexand political soundsby Thea Ballard``````ReviewsThe Marrakech Biennale,“Black Sheep Feminism”in Dallas, Taryn Simon’sexplorations of fl owersand Malevich, RaoulDe Keyser’s gentle fi ghts,and moreFeaturesMartin CreedAnxious forhis Armory showby Rachel Corbett``````Report from QatarWhat is art withoutfreedom of speech?by Jonathan Guyer``````Daniel R. SmallFinding Egypt in Andrew Berardini``````Carmen HerreraA master gets her dueby Scott Indrisek44TOP: WEN-YOU CAI5450606470788495BLOUINARTINFO.COM JUNE/JULY 2016 MODERN PAINTERS 7

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