Abnormal Psychology
Eating Disorders 459 likely to pay attention to their fl aws and to feel ashamed of their bodies, and these feelings motivate re ...
460 CHAPTER 10 P S N CASE 10.4 • FROM THE INSIDE: EDNOS Forty-year-old Sam recounts his preoccupations with his muscles: I would ...
Eating Disorders 461 10.7 • Feedback Loops in Action: Eating Disorders Figure 10.7g7 NeuroPsychoSocial Stressful Life Events Fam ...
462 CHAPTER 10 Treating Eating Disorders One important goal when treating a patient with anorexia is to help the patient attain ...
Eating Disorders 463 P S N (CBT) is generally considered the method of choice. Regardless of the severity of the eating disorder ...
464 CHAPTER 10 For bulimia, antidepressants—particularly SSRIs—may reduce some symptoms of the eating disorder. Compared to plac ...
Eating Disorders 465 P S N of the same methods as for anorexia: psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, self-monitoring, and r ...
466 CHAPTER 10 P: My friend is prettier than I am, so that means that people like her more and like me less, and she’s thinner. ...
Eating Disorders 467 Although IPT for anorexia has not yet been well researched, IPT for bulimia has been, and many studies have ...
468 CHAPTER 10 Psychiatric hospitalization can improve eating symptoms and help to change distorted thoughts about food, weight, ...
Eating Disorders 469 P S FEEDBACK LOOPS IN TREATMENT: Eating Disorders N With all eating disorders, successful treatment should ...
470 CHAPTER 10 Summary of Anorexia Nervosa The hallmark of anorexia nervosa is a refusal to maintain a healthy weight; DSM-IV-TR ...
Eating Disorders 471 the nonpurging type (which involves fasting or excessive exercise). Bulimia is twice as preva- lent as anor ...
Mood Disorders CHAPTER 11 L aura and Mike have been married for a couple of years. They generally get along well, but lately the ...
474 CHAPTER 11 to distress or problems in their relationships. In addition, families, communities, or cultures determine which s ...
Gender and Sexual Disorders 475 What Is Gender Identity Disorder? Like Sam, a small percentage of people who are born one sex (e ...
476 CHAPTER 11 The fi nal two DSM-IV-TR criteria require that the symptoms do not arise be- cause the person is an intersex indi ...
Gender and Sexual Disorders 477 Criticisms of the DSM-IV-TR Defi nition Some critics of the DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of gender identi ...
478 CHAPTER 11 or are early manifestations of the disorder. In the following sections we examine these neurological, psychologic ...
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