Abnormal Psychology
Gender and Sexual Disorders 499 Sexual Aversion Disorder Another type of desire disorder is sexual aversion disorder, whose hall ...
500 CHAPTER 11 can have an adequate erection but think that he is inadequate because he believes that his penis is not hard enou ...
Gender and Sexual Disorders 501 Orgasmic Disorders Anorgasmic disorder is diagnosed when a clinician determines that the individ ...
502 CHAPTER 11 ever reach orgasm); and (3) its prevalence (less than 10% of the general male popu- lation) is lower than that of ...
Gender and Sexual Disorders 503 Sexual Pain Disorders Some people experience signifi cant pain with sexual activity, particularl ...
504 CHAPTER 11 Criticisms of the Sexual Dysfunctions in DSM-IV-TR Criticisms of the DSM-IV-TR classifi cation of and criteria fo ...
Gender and Sexual Disorders 505 sexual encounters, and able to have erections on demand (Kleinplatz, 2001). As women and men age ...
506 CHAPTER 11 Some medications can interfere with normal sexual response, including: SSRIs and other dopamine-blocking medicat ...
Gender and Sexual Disorders 507 satisfi ed by very hard erections may develop a problem as he ages: He may notice that his erect ...
508 CHAPTER 11 and anxieties that can lead to high levels of sympathetic nervous system activity (neurological factor), which ph ...
Gender and Sexual Disorders 509 peers told us) and indirectly (through observations of family members or friends and from televi ...
510 CHAPTER 11 that might bear on the current diffi culties. This information helps the sex therapist determine what specifi c p ...
Gender and Sexual Disorders 511 Some women with arousal disorders use PDE-5 inhibitors because these med- ications have an analo ...
512 CHAPTER 11 Typically, the therapist explains a homework assignment during a session, and the patient or couple reports the r ...
Gender and Sexual Disorders 513 FEEDBACK LOOPS IN TREATMENT: Sexual Dysfunctions Like successful treatment for any psychological ...
514 CHAPTER 11 Key Concepts and Facts About Sexual Dysfunctions Sexual dysfunctions are psychological disorders marked by probl ...
Gender and Sexual Disorders 515 Various factors contribute to sexual dysfunctions. Neurological (and other biological) factors ...
516 CHAPTER 11 Summary of Gender Identity Disorder Gender identity disorder is characterized by a persistent cross-gender identi ...
Gender and Sexual Disorders 517 sexual functioning, a history of abuse, and sexual mores in the individual’s subculture. All the ...
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