Abnormal Psychology
NAME INDEX NI41 Wilson, L., 66 Wilson, L. G., 234 Wilson, M., 102 Wilson, R. I., 417 Wilson, R. S., 683 Wilson, W., 417 Wiltfang ...
NI42 NAME INDEX Zhang, Y., 239 Zhao, H., 599 Zhao, S., 64, 280 Zheng, R., 457 Zheng, Y., 102 Zhou, D., 450 Zhou, D. F., 545 Zhou ...
° A ° ABAB experimental design, 164–166, 165f ABCDEF procedure, 128–129, 128f Abilify, 229 Abnormal psychology context and cultu ...
SI2 SUBJECT INDEX prevalence of, 249–251 schizophrenia with, 534 self-help for, 141 social phobia, 278–289 somatization disorder ...
social desirability, 171–172 in social phobia, 283 Bibliotherapy, 141 Big Brother/Big Sister, 141 Binge drinking, 404–405 Binge ...
SI4 SUBJECT INDEX mental retardation, 626–632 pervasive developmental disorders, 632–642 separation anxiety disorder, 671–674 ti ...
oppositional defi ant disorder vs., 653 Confabulation, 695 Confi dentiality, 718–720 duty to warn vs., 732 Confounding variables ...
hopelessness, 205 interactional theory of, 208–209 learned helplessness in, 155, 205 medications for, 113 negative triad of, 203 ...
Dyspareunia, 496t, 503, 505, 510t Dysthymic disorder, 198–199 antidepressants for, 211 attributional style in, 226 ° E ° Eating ...
obsessive-compulsive, 617–618 treatment of, 619–620 Fear of fear, 269 Federal Drug Administration (FDA), 212, 666 Feedback loops ...
in paraphilias, 491 in personality disorders, 574, 588 in posttraumatic stress disorder, 319 research challenges in, 169 in schi ...
SI10 SUBJECT INDEX Hysteria, 331, 333, 353 Freud on, 17 humane treatments for, 14–15 ° I ° Iceberg metaphor of mind, 18f Id, 18, ...
Madness: A Bipolar Life (Hornbacher), 470 Magic, 264 Magical thinking, 585 Magic mushrooms, 390, 414 Magnetic resonance imaging ...
SI12 SUBJECT INDEX Motivational enhancement therapy, 425–426 for eating disorders, 464 for personality disorders, 580 for schizo ...
SUBJECT INDEX SI13 obsessive-compulsive personality disorder vs., 618 paraphilias as, 490 psychological factors in, 305, 308–309 ...
SI14 SUBJECT INDEX Phenylketonuria (PKU), 629t, 630 Phobias, 249 hypochondriasis and, 366–367 Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) i ...
SUBJECT INDEX SI15 antisocial personality disorder vs., 594–595 symptoms of, 594f treatment of, 597–599 Psychopharmacology, 111– ...
SI16 SUBJECT INDEX Schizotypal personality disorder, 529, 532, 585–588 Scientifi c method, 153–168, 156t hypotheses in, 155 iden ...
SUBJECT INDEX SI17 in diathesis-stress model, 26–27 discrimination, 64 in disruptive behavior and attention disorders, 663–664 i ...
SI18 SUBJECT INDEX Substance use, defi nition of, 382 Substance use disorders, 5, 381–433 attention-defi cit/hyperactivity disor ...
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