Abnormal Psychology
Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment 79 disorders, not just psychological disorders. In fact, until the sixth edition, the ICD only ...
80 CHAPTER 3 the criteria were not changed, but the text discussion of the disorders was revised. DSM-IV and DSM-IV-TR defi ne 1 ...
Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment 81 occupational problems (e.g., unemploy- ment or stressful working conditions); housing prob ...
82 CHAPTER 3 for a diagnosis of schizophrenia as an example (see Table 3.4); this disorder is discussed in more detail in Chapte ...
Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment 83 Similarly, consider Allie and Lupe, both of whom are afraid of bugs and spiders. Lupe mildl ...
84 CHAPTER 3 least 6 months. Someone who had these symptoms for 5 months and 29 days would not be diagnosed with the disorder, b ...
Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment 85 can help reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, a medical disorder marked by intestin ...
86 CHAPTER 3 The People Who Diagnose Psychological Disorders Who, exactly, are the mental health professionals who might diagnos ...
Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment 87 been required to acquire detailed knowledge of research methods used in the fi eld of psych ...
88 CHAPTER 3 Assessing Psychological Disorders People came to know about Rose Mary and Rex Walls through the eyes of their daugh ...
Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment 89 P S N Were it possible to obtain information about Rose Mary and Rex Walls directly, what s ...
90 CHAPTER 3 information might provide clues for possible treatments. Although neurological (and other biological) factors are n ...
Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment 91 We’ve just talked about how certain neuroimaging techniques can reveal brain structure, but ...
92 CHAPTER 3 Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is currently the most widely used method for measuring human brain fun ...
Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment 93 In addition to using MRS, researchers measure the levels of chemical by- products of neurot ...
94 CHAPTER 3 complex functions. In the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, patients are shown a series of drawings that range from ...
Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment 95 topics and issues specifi c to the patient. However, different clinicians who use this appr ...
96 CHAPTER 3 interview. In any case, the clinician must keep in mind that “unusual” behav- ior should perhaps be interpreted dif ...
Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment 97 years with the Air Force; his stories often involved his heroic actions that saved others ( ...
98 CHAPTER 3 P S N describe the problem, its history, and the patient’s functioning in different areas of life. Other standard q ...
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