Abnormal Psychology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

xxxvi Preface

Sandra Rouce, Texas Southern University
David Rowland, Valparaiso University
Lawrence Rubin, St. Thomas University
Stephen Rudin, Nova Southeastern University
Michael Rutter, Canisius College
Thomas Schoeneman, Lewis and Clark College
Stefan E. Schulenberg, University of Mississippi
Christopher Scribner, Lindenwood University
Russell Searight, Lake Superior State University
Daniel Segal, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Frances Sessa, The Pennsylvania State University, Abington
Fredric Shaffer, Truman State University
Eric Shiraev, George Mason University
Susan J. Simonian, College of Charleston
Melissa Snarski, University of Alabama
Jason Spiegelman, Community College of Beaver County
Michael Spiegler, Providence College
Barry Stennett, Gainesville State College
Carla Strassle, York College of Pennsylvania
Nicole Taylor, Drake University
Paige Telan, Florida International University
Carolyn Turner, Texas Lutheran University
MaryEllen Vandenberg, Potomac State College of West Virginia
Elaine Walker, Emory University
David Watson, MacEwan University
Karen Wolford, State University of New York at Oswego
Shirley Yen, Brown University
Valerie Zurawski, St. John’s University
Barry Zwibelman, University of Miami

We would also like to thank the thoughtful group of instructors who generously
attended our 2009 APA focus group in Toronto and who also offered many excellent
suggestions, some of which—even in the book’s eleventh hour—found their way into
the book. They are:
Gina M. Brelsford, Penn State University, Harrisburg
NiCole T. Buchanan, Michigan State University
Farah Ibrahim, University of Colorado Denver
Marva Lewis, Tulane University
John McIlvried, University of Indianapolis
Ilyse O’Desky, Kean University
Crystal Park, University of Connecticut, Storrs
Jeanne M. Slattery, Clarion University
Although our names are on the title page, this book has been a group effort.
Special thanks to a handful of people who did armfuls of work in the early stages of
the book’s life: Nancy Snidman, Children’s Hospital Boston, for help with the chapter
on developmental disorders; Shelley Greenfi eld, McLean Hospital, for advice about
the etiology and treatment of substance abuse; Adam Kissel, for help in preparing the
fi rst draft of some of the manuscript; Lisa McLellan, senior development editor, for
conceiving the idea of “Facts at a Glance” tables; Susan Clancy for help in gathering
relevant literature; and Lori Gara-Matthews and Anne Perry for sharing a typical
workday of a pediatrician and a school psychologist, respectively.
To the people at Worth Publishers who have helped us bring this book from
conception through gestation and birth, many thanks for your wise counsel,
creativity, and patience. Specifi cally, thanks to: Erik Gilg, our acquisitions editor,
for his continual assistance and good humor; Jim Strandberg, a freelancer, our fi nal
development editor who kept us on track and focused on the end goal and made us
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