Preface xxxvii
laugh along the way; Michael Kimball, our development editor for most of the fi rst
and second drafts and from whom we learned so much about writing; Catherine
Woods, senior publisher, for having faith in our vision for this book, providing
support at every step along the way, and for putting us in Erik’s capable hands;
Jane Hoover of Lifl and et al., Bookmakers, copyeditor extraordinaire, for reading
every word so carefully and catching errors and ambiguities; Babs Reingold, art
director, for creating our wonderful design; Jaclyn Castaldo, assistant editor, for
her good humor and diligence in handling the endless pages of manuscript and
helping us with the reviews; Jenna Gray, project editor at PrePress, Dana Kasowitz,
project editor at Worth, and Tracey Kuehn, associate managing editor at Worth, for
keeping the fi nal phases of the book on track; Patricia Cateura, photo researcher,
and Christine Buese, photo editor, for helping us add photographs to the pages;
Diane Kraut, permissions freelancer, for the thankless task of tracking down and
obtaining permissions to use quotes, tables, and fi gures; Nancy Brooks, freelance
editor, for carefully matching our words to photos and fi gures; to the team at Worth
who help us introduce ourselves and our book to psychologists who teach abnormal
psychology classes: Carlise Stembridge, associate marketing director; Kate Nurre,
Executive Marketing Manager; and, Tom Kling, Worth’s National Psychology
Consultant. We also thank our fantastic supplements team: Sharon Prevost, media
and supplements editor, for recruiting a talented team of academic authors and
helping them bring the supplements to life: Joe Etherton, Texas State University and
Judy Levine, Farmingdale State College (we give both of them an extra special shout
out of thanks); Meera Rastogi, University of Cincinnati; Joy Crawford, University
of Washington; J. D. Rodgers, Hawkeye Community College; Kanoa Meriwether,
University of Hawaii–West Oahu; and the media team of Ramón Rivera Moret,
video researcher and producer, Andrea Musick, Senior Media and Supplements
Editor, and Alex Levering, freelance editor.
On the personal side, we’d like to thank our children—Neil, David, and Justin—
for their unfl agging love and support during this project and for their patience with
our foibles and passions. We also want to thank: our mothers—Bunny and Rhoda—
for allowing us to know what it means to grow up with supportive and loving
parents; Steven Rosenberg, for numerous chapter story suggestions; Merrill Mead-Fox,
Melissa Robbins, Jeanne Serafi n, Amy Mayer, Kim Rawlins, and Susan Pollak, for
sharing their clinical and personal wisdom over the last two and a half decades;
Michael Friedman and Steven Hyman, for answering our esoteric pharmacology
questions; and Jennifer Shephard and Bill Thompson, who helped track down facts
and fi ndings related to the neurological side of the project.