Personality Disorders 607
Similarly, research indicates that cognitive therapy can be effective (Brown et al.,
2004; Davidson et al., 2006; Wenzel et al., 2006).
Targeting Social Factors: Interpersonal Therapy
Interpersonal therapy (IPT) has been adapted to treat borderline personality dis-
order. The goal of IPT for this personality disorder is to help the patient develop
more adaptive interpersonal skills so that he or she feels and functions better. This
therapy tries to help patients integrate their extreme but opposed feelings about an
individual: When they talk about feeling one way about someone (“He’s perfect”),
the therapist tries to discuss opposite feelings as well, underscoring that no individ-
ual is all good or all bad (Markowitz, 2005; Markowitz, Skodol, & Bleiberg, 2006).
A course of IPT for borderline personality disorder typically lasts about 8 months.
Social interactions are also a focus of the group therapy component of DBT.
FEEDBACK LOOPS IN TREATMENT: Borderline Personality Disorder
Successful treatment of borderline personality disorder may target more than one
factor; positive changes in any factor, though, affect other factors via feedback loops
(see Figure 13.9). For example, one goal of DBT is to help patients regulate their
emotions (psychological factor). When the therapy is successful, better emotional
regulation allows patients to calm themselves more effectively when they are anxious
13.9 • Feedback Loops
in Treatment: Borderline
Personality Disorder
Figure 13.9g39
Treatments Targeting
Psychological Factors
DBT: CBT techniques
plus validation,
Buddhist mindfulness,
and dialectical
(intensive forms)
Treatments Targeting
Social Factors
DBT: Group therapy
IPT: Focus on current
relationships and
effects of patient’s
Treatments Targeting
Neurological Factors
Medication: SSRIs to
treat symptoms of
mood, anxiety, and
anger; antipsychotics
to treat psychotic
symptoms; mood
Changes neural
Changes thoughts,
feelings, and behaviors
Changes social
Decreases family conflict
Increases support for
making positive changes