The Week - USA (2021-12-03)

(Antfer) #1


Editor's letter

This week's Last Word is ab.out a group of .McD.onald's work­
ers in Bradford,. Pa., who walked off the job en m.asse. The arti­
cle, by Greg Jaffe, is the kind of immersive story that The Wash­
ington Post does very well; recently, we ran another piece in

The people Jaffe writes about call themselves the McRejects,
.and the core of the story is the strong bond between them. One
was kicked out by her parents at 17; an.other, by contrast, is still
stuck living with his parents in his childhood bedroom. Some­
how, the McRejects are able to stick together, avoiding ensnare·­
ment in cycle of disconnection. But they are forced to do
this with very little help .. Despite decades of rhetoric about the
dignity •Of Work • and the importance of family, there is still little
aid for the working p•oor, and the demands of many means·-tested
government programs force wrenching choices about whether·

the sarne vein, about a family stuck in a FEMA traile.r camp. ln
these stories,. reporters embed themselves with their subjects and
peel back layers •OÍ personal history, often interleaved with in­
tense suffering. There are a few themes that tend to run through
them. One is that the subjects almost invariably work just as
hard-no, harder-than people higher on the econ,omic lad-
der. Another is how the destruction ,of social bon,ds and links • to
family creates a vici,ous cycle that drives the subje•cts ever deeper
into impoverishment and alienation. Stories that •On the surface
are about poverty or polarization turn out to be about discon­
nection and loneliness.

4 Main s.tories
Kyle Rittenhouse
acquitted on all counts;
vaccine boosters appr•oved
for all adults • as • Covid
cases r1se aga1n.

to work or get help. This is obviously not a place to propose so­
lutions, but they are out there, and the • only way to find them is
to be willing to l-ook directly at the struggles of pe•ople like the
McRejects, with both a clear eye and an open heart.
Mark Gimein
IMa^1 naging editor

Edito,r-in-chief: Wil I iam IFall k

IManaging editors: Theunis Bates,
Mark Gim,ein

6 Cont!roversy of the week
The Steele dossier and the
Russia-Trump collusion


Assistam managing editor: Jay Wilkins
Deputy edito,r/ 1 lntemational: Susan Caskie
Deputv edito•r/Arts: Chris Mitchell
Senior editors: Nlick Aspinwall,
Chris Erikson, [)anny Funt, Sc,ott iMeslow,
Dale Obbie, Zach Schonbrun, Hallie Stiller
Art directo·r: Dan Josephs

7 The U .. S .. at a glance
Carnage at a Christmas
parade in Waukesha,
Wis.; an organized theft
spree at Bay Are.a retailers
8 The worlld at a glance
American hostages freed
in Haiti; is Russia getting
ready to invade Ukraine?
10 People
Emily Ratajk.owski's b·o·dy
p•olitics; Dennis Rodman
on the joy of drag
11 Briefing
Is there an oute.r limit to
human beings' steadily
lengthening life span?
12 Best U.S .. columns
Letting the mob dictate
kids' education; w·hen a
conspiracy theory is right
14 Best European colum1ns
A Covid surge puts
European Union nations
back in lockdown
16 Talking points
Kamala Harris' vice
presidential blues; c. alls
for an Olympic boycott;
Build Back Better heads
to the Senate

Activists in Minneapolis protest the Rittenhouse verdict. (p.4)

23 Books
How Concord, Mass.,
became a hub of genius
in the early 19th century
24 Author of the week
Nikole Hannah-Jones on
life as a lightning rod
26 Music & Stage
Adele's turbulent
and triumph, ant


28 Film
Paul Thomas
returns to
the '70s with

Emily Ratajkowski
{p.1 O}

31 fo.od & Drink
A curried cauliflower and
cheese filo pie; standout
affordable sparklin,g wines
32 Consumer
The best toys to gif t this
holiday season, includíng a
purring plush critter

36 News at a gla.nce
Biden keeps Jerome Powell
as Federal Reserve chair;
Ford-Rivian ,deal falis apart
37 Maki^1 'ng money
How higher Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac limits
C·ould hurt homebuyers

.^38 Best columns
The White House worries
about rising gas prices; is
Visa doomed?

Photo edito•r: Mark Rykoff
Co,py editor: Jane A. Halsey
IResearchers: , Anand Mathai, Nick Gallagher
Contributing editors: Ryan Devlin,
Bruno Maddox
Group piulblisher: Paul Vi.z:za
(paull_ [email protected]),
Associate publislher: Sara Schiano
Isa ra schia [email protected]) -
West Coast executive director:
Tony lm,perato
East coast account director: Meg Power
Group custom. content director:
Barbara Baker ,eia rk
Di·rector, digital operations & advertising:
Andy Price
IMed'ia planning manager: Andrea Crino
Di·rect response.: Anthony Smyth
Clhief 1 Executive., The Week: Kerin O'Con nor
SVP, finance: Maria Beckett
Director, financial reporting.:
Arielle St:arkman
Co,nsumer marketing director:
Leslie Guarnieri
Senior dig'ital marketing director:
Mathieu Mluzzy
!Manufacturing manager, North A.merica:
Lori Crook
HR manager: Joy IHlart .J
Operations manager:
Cassandra Mondonedo



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THE WEEK December 3, 2021

Banca do Antfer



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